How Can You Setup & Create NFT on WazirX NFT?
We are going to cover the process from making your account to maintaining your first NFT. Here are the basic steps you need to start minting your first NFT Marketplace . You'll need three accounts Meta mask and Binance. So we'll go step by step and create all of them. Let's start with a Meta mask so just search meta mask and visit meta mask. This is the official website and you can download it from right here install meta mask pro chrome. It will open up the chrome web store and you just have to download it add to chrome right here. It will take some time to download the extension and it will install automatically. So I'll fast forward to the step when it's installed okay so as you can see. It has been added to chrome okay so it will open itself so here we have to sign up on the platform. Let’s get started you are going to create a new wallet okay. I agree and let's create a password agree to the terms and create your account okay. You're going to need to ...