How to Buy and Sell NFTs For Making Huge Profits?
NFTs are so hot right now but they can be a little bit confusing. So I want to do my part here and show step by step me buying an nft and listing my very own nfts for sale online at NFT Marketplace . So by the end of this video you should feel like in nft. So we're going to start with the basics of what an nft is what they do and why people are buying them. And then we'll dive into the step by steps right after that and hey you know some nfts are selling for tens of thousands of dollars. So maybe you'll watch this you'll understand what's going on and you'll be the next big nft millionaire that'd be pretty cool. First off what is an nft this stands for a non-fungible token but what exactly does that mean fungible means the ability of a good or an asset to be interchangeable with another individual good or asset of the same type. So an asset that is Most Popular NFT Marketplace is the best kind of asset to use in commerce the prime example of a fungible ...