
How is NFTs Worth?

  NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens have suddenly surged in popularity. NFTs are selling for thousands of dollars but these things look like it's just creating value out of air. I'm an economist and I want to help you understand the economics of the  NFT Marketplace Website . What gives them value and actually helps you see that the concept of NFTs has been around for a long time. And I think to understand the scale of what's going on here. We need a banana so NFT stands for a non-fungible token before. You can understand what and not is you need to understand what these words mean now token means that this is something stored on the blockchain. But what does non-fungible mean and how it is different from something that is fungible when I think of fungible things the first thing that comes to my mind because I'm an economist is dollar bills are fungible? What that means is imagine I present two dollar bills to you I can ask you to choose one of them I can mix them up again ...

What is the NFT Marketplace Scope in 2022?

  There are all sorts of digital things that people are purchasing version of them for lots of money. There are three simple letters that you need to understand to understand what's going on here. Those letters are NFT Marketplace . Now to the latest trend that's sweeping the internet. What is exactly is an NFT? Does that stand for not safe for work? What does this mean? - Why would you pay for an NFT when you can look at it for free? Is this a gigantic bubble just waiting to burst?- I believe in this space with my whole heart.- I'm just fascinated by it, all of it.- This story is much bigger than a $600,000 cat gif. Or a three million dollar tweet. It's a story about human psychology and how the way we value things is shifting because of technology. A technology that some people think may revolutionize our society, while at the same time accelerating the climate disaster. It's really nuts, it's all of these things together and I wanna explain it to you, so le...

How Can You Setup & Create NFT on WazirX NFT?

We are going to cover the process from making your account to maintaining your first NFT. Here are the basic steps you need to start minting your first NFT Marketplace . You'll need three accounts Meta mask and Binance. So we'll go step by step and create all of them. Let's start with a Meta mask so just search meta mask and visit meta mask. This is the official website and you can download it from right here install meta mask pro chrome. It will open up the chrome web store and you just have to download it add to chrome right here. It will take some time to download the extension and it will install automatically. So I'll fast forward to the step when it's installed okay so as you can see. It has been added to chrome okay so it will open itself so here we have to sign up on the platform. Let’s get started you are going to create a new wallet okay. I agree and let's create a password agree to the terms and create your account okay. You're going to need to ...

How are the NFTs A Good Investment?

  Today I want to talk about NFT Marketplace and whether I think they're a good investment. So let's talk a little bit about the difference between fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens. A fungible token would be any token that's theoretically interchangeable. So one us dollar bill is really equal to any other us dollar bill. I'm simplifying a little bit here because obviously certain serial number dollar bills may have a nefarious history or one dollar bill may have a little cocaine on it and another doesn't likewise with other fiat currencies. But the basic idea is that one dollar is one dollar and the same might be said for bitcoin as well you can send someone a bitcoin. They can send someone a bitcoin back to you a different bitcoin and you still have the same amount of wealth. So those are fungible tokens they're interchangeable a non-fungible token is a unique token. It's a unique digital asset you can think of it like being a digital baseball...

What is the Difference Between NFTs and Cryptocurrency?

  NFT and Cryptocurrency appears to be the order of the day. These days, especially since the covert 19 pandemics, nearly drove the entire wall to code digital both appear to be profitable markets. You have probably read stories about people making hundreds of millions of dollars using NFTs or headlines about cryptocurrency values fluctuating. And even crashing as a result of a single Elon Musk tree if you're not familiar with these terms it's understandable if you have wondered. If NFPs and cryptocurrencies are the same things well they aren't although there are some parallels between NFTs and cryptocurrencies. NFT Marketplace is an acronym for non-fungible tokens when it's unique and can't be replaced with something else. Something is said to be non-fungible each NFT contains distinguishable information like who owns the digital asset and who sold it making them distinct and easily verifiable as it is impossible to forge such a certificate. NFT basically ...

Which is the Best NFT Marketplace for Beginners?

  For creators right now there is a gigantic opportunity gigantic. It's very new very misunderstood people like log and Paul have made five million dollars in a week from it. And musicians like grimes have also made millions selling with NFT Music Marketplace to her following [Applause][Music]. So I'm gonna get you up to speed with what that is what is an NFT stands for non-fungible token. What the heck does that mean well non-fungible means a unique item that you can't replace with anything? So the Mona Lisa for example that's non-fungible because there is one of them and we all agree there is one original Mona Lisa right and that gives the painting loads of value. Because it's very famous and there is a demand for it. Non-Fungible Tokens give anything in the digital world. The ability to be non-fungible like the Mona Lisa because of the way information can now be stored on the blockchain. So you can take this Instagram post can copy and paste it and make mill...

How to Buy and Sell NFTs For Making Huge Profits?

  NFTs are so hot right now but they can be a little bit confusing. So I want to do my part here and show step by step me buying an nft and listing my very own nfts for sale online at NFT Marketplace . So by the end of this video you should feel like in nft. So we're going to start with the basics of what an nft is what they do and why people are buying them. And then we'll dive into the step by steps right after that and hey you know some nfts are selling for tens of thousands of dollars. So maybe you'll watch this you'll understand what's going on and you'll be the next big nft millionaire that'd be pretty cool. First off what is an nft this stands for a non-fungible token but what exactly does that mean fungible means the ability of a good or an asset to be interchangeable with another individual good or asset of the same type. So an asset that is Most Popular NFT Marketplace is the best kind of asset to use in commerce the prime example of a fungible ...